The protagonist, Ashihara Chihiro, was an average high school girl until one day, a strange man informed her that she was a princess from Toyoashira. Following this shocking news, a battle with a monster occurs, during which she discovers her talents and those of her teacher and best friend. She learns more about her past and fallen country when she wakes up in the world she escaped as a child. After battles with monsters, she recognized her involvement in this disaster as “Ryuujin no Miko,” and that to restore her homeland, she must go to war with the foreign nation that invaded it in the first place. She encountered various charismatic men throughout her escapades, beginning with her teacher and best friend. However, as a princess, falling for these men is forbidden. Chihiro must confront the final fight with her bow and arrow as her sole faithful ally, in addition to the difficulties that romance entails.
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4: Aizouban
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | KOEI TECMO GAMES CO. , Ltd. |
Developer | KOEI TECMO GAMES CO. , Ltd. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 275 |
Size | 676.81 M |
Released | December 22, 2010 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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