Kahoko Hino is a Seisou Academy student with an everyday existence. Lili, the mischievous musical fairy who had blessed the school’s initial creator, discovers Kahoko running late to class one day. Overjoyed that she can see him, Lili bestows onto Kahoko a miraculous violin and a spot in the school’s annual musical competition, in which many kids in the music department compete. Kahoko resists, only to be persuaded by the fairy, who nags her until she succumbs to his pleadings. She accepts the instrument reluctantly. Kahoko is amazed when she practices her pieces that she can play any part on the violin as long as she learns the music and plays it with her heart.
La Corda d’Oro
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Koei Co. , Ltd. |
Developer | KOEI Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 7 |
Size | 1.32 G |
Released | November 10, 2005 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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