The heir to the affluent Kaburagi Corporation, a soft-spoken yet intellectual young man, was visited by his family lawyer one day. He came to fulfill the boy’s late grandfather’s dying wish: that he attend an all-girls school! Mizuho enrolls in his new school with his childhood friend Mariya, a talented fashionista, to assist him with the “transition.” It doesn’t take long for a sequence of bizarre misunderstandings to lead to him being voted the school’s “Elder Sister,” the student body’s idol! At this all-girls charm school, it’s one outrageous event after another! Can Mizuho get through the year without losing his identity and dignity?
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru Portable
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Alchemist |
Developer | Alchemist |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 1,102 |
Size | 2.19 G |
Released | April 29, 2010 |
4.5/5 (4 votes)
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