During the unexpected attack by the monster, Tokita Shouji sustains severe injuries. Desperate to stay alive, he made a deal with Ai, a mysterious female who could transform her lover into the Armit Cerberus through a process known as “Conception.” In exchange, he gave her his vows. The Armit is a piece of clothing with the appearance of armor and bestows upon its wearer a variety of exceptional abilities, like increased speed, sharp claws, and attack force. Engage in combat with other Armits and learn the truth about the peculiar Kusanagi organization, which was responsible for the monster attack that came dangerously close to ending your life.
Project Cerberus
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Milestone |
Developer | Kaga Create |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 931 |
Size | 177.76 M |
Released | August 26, 2010 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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