Space-Time: 366 A.D. A young Federation officer finds himself transported to a mysterious planet, where he is unexpectedly anointed as the Hero of Light. He sets off on a trip to fulfill a prophecy and save a recently discovered race. This classic role-playing game is now available for the PSP, and it features the same epic tale and stunning art style as its previous releases. Fans of the Star Ocean franchise will be pleased. Star Ocean 2, which takes place 20 years after the events of its predecessor, has been given a unique makeover for its iteration on the PSP, intended to attract other gamers to relive the experience. The game goes a step further with the addition of wholly animated movies, all-new character designs, additional playable characters, fully voiced dialogue, and other features.
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Square Enix |
Developer | Tose Software , tri-Ace |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 5,554 |
Size | 1.04 G |
Released | January 20, 2009 |
3.7/5 (3 votes)
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