Okabe Rintaro, sometimes known as Okarin, is a peculiar college student with bizarre fantasies about conspiracies and mayhem. Assuming the character of a crazed inventor, he spends his time creating strange devices with the help of his friends in their improvised laboratory. One day, they stumble upon the fact that one of their creations can send emails into the past by accident. In other words, they have constructed a gadget that can travel through time. The planet’s future is in jeopardy when Chance pulls together critical players in Akihabara, Japan, such as SERN, John Titor, the IBN 5100, the Butterfly Effect, and 11 different perspectives on time travel. When it is up to Okarin to decide what will happen in the future, what path will he take?
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | KADOKAWA |
Developer | 5pb , Nitroplus |
Genre | Adventure , Visual Novel |
Downloads | 1,633 |
Size | 1.07 G |
Released | June 23, 2011 |
4.7/5 (4 votes)
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