The narrative’s events occur on a made-up planet during a period known as “the Age of Detectives,” during which private investigators and phantom thieves rule the cities. Toys are a type of unique power that both detectives and phantom thieves can possess. Kobayashi Opera, a former great investigator defeated by Phantom Thief L five years ago in a fight, has been responsible for heading a group of four junior detectives in their conflict with the recently established Phantom Thief Empire. Phantom Thief L stole Kobayashi Opera’s Toys.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | bushiroad |
Developer | bushiroad |
Genre | Adventure |
Downloads | 311 |
Size | 682.16 M |
Released | December 16, 2010 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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