Inspired by the events of Universal Pictures’ upcoming film “The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift,” this game immerses players in the underground world of drift racing. Set in a setting linked to, but distinct from, the film, the game includes a drift mechanic that makes drifting accessible to novice and experienced racing players. The Drift Indicator is one of the game’s groundbreaking new elements. Please turn on the assists to feel like a pro, or turn them off to practice your drifting. This video game focuses on the “next big thing” in underground street racing, and it makes use of Universal-s vast sound library, a unique context-based camera code, and a unique context-based rumble system that offers players the sensation of driving city streets at breakneck speeds like no other. Immerse yourself in the game’s world. 10,000+ polygon model automobiles, cinematic camera views straight from the movie, one-of-a-kind boss challenges, breathtaking aesthetics, and an Advanced Rubber Band AI system. Tune your vehicle with over a hundred legal wheels and over 500 body kits from genuine JDM manufacturers. Tune your ride like never before, from performance to appearance, and swap out your engine for the first time to ultimately push your car’s limits.
The Fast and the Furious
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Eutechnyx |
Genre | Racing |
Downloads | 4,002 |
Size | 358.57 M |
Released | April 24, 2007 |
4.5/5 (4 votes)
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