After the events of Tokimeki Girl’s Side 1, this game takes place in Habataki High School seven years later. There are nine new bachelors this season, including three mystery contestants. TMGS 3 introduces a brand-new gameplay mechanic known as the Love Triangle. You won’t have to worry about other women admiring your man because all eligible bachelors will already be dating someone else. This will allow you to ‘date’ two men at once. TMGS 3 also includes a revised clothing system, which includes adding a few new clothing designs and the option to ‘level up’ your fashion.
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Premium: 3rd Story
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Konami Co Ltd. |
Developer | Konami Co Ltd. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 921 |
Size | 1.15 G |
Released | March 15, 2012 |
3.7/5 (9 votes)
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