The plot of Tomoyo After centers around Okazaki Tomoya and Sakagami Tomoyo. Tomoya has completed high school and is currently working as a garbage collector. He and Tomoyo are now in a love relationship, even thoTomoya lives in his apartment. One day, it is discovered that Tomoyo has a younger half-sister named Mishima Tomo, who had been living with her mother but had been abandoned lately. It is eventually determined that Tomo would temporarily reside in Tomoya’s flat. Tomoyo After includes RPG components in addition to the Adventure portion that makes up the majority of the game. To finish the game, the player must complete eight mini RPGs dubbed “Dungeons & Takafumis” that appear throughout various scenarios as the player progresses.
Tomoyo After: It’s a Wonderful Life – CS Edition
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Prototype |
Developer | Visual Arts |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 424 |
Size | 555.2 M |
Released | March 19, 2009 |
2.7/5 (3 votes)
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