Sakura Shin is a misfortunes high school student. He eventually becomes the student council president at Ryuusei Academy, a position he believes entitles him to free meals from the cafeteria because he was raised in a poor household and needed money. However, as president, he is also responsible for removing mazoku (denizens of hell) who arrive in his town. He is also informed that his father was the former Maou (king of demons) and that he is expected to succeed him. He must battle Mazoku as president, but he is the Maou. Will he be able to keep it a secret while still enjoying his school life?
Twinkle * Crusaders GoGo!
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | ASCII Media Works |
Developer | ASCII Media Works |
Genre | Action , Visual Novel |
Downloads | 329 |
Size | 1.44 G |
Released | September 30, 2010 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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