Fandisc for the anime series Uta no Prince-sama, showcasing both the male students of class S and the female instructors of both courses. Nanami Haruka has identified the person who will collaborate with her and provide the voice for her tunes. But the difficulties don’t end there by any means. She and her partner need to win the graduation auditions for her to be successful academically. When you put your feelings into music, you might end up with a sweeter song, but arguments with your partner might derail your creative process. You should acquire the skills necessary to interact with the princes in your role as a girlfriend and incorporate all parts of romance into your music.
Uta no * Prince-Sama: Sweet Serenade
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Broccoli |
Developer | Nippon Ichi Software |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 230 |
Size | 970.93 M |
Released | February 10, 2011 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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