In the video game Donkey Kong, the protagonist, Jumpman, is tasked with rescuing a damsel in distress known as Lady from a monstrous gorilla known as Donkey Kong. The hero and the ape would become two of the most popular characters in Nintendo games. The game is broken up into four distinct levels, each of which takes place on a single screen. Each stage that Donkey Kong has ascended signifies an increase of 25 meters in height along the structure, with each stage being 25 meters higher than the one before it. At this distance, you will see the very last screen.
Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Nintendo |
Developer | Nintendo |
Genre | Platform |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 963 |
Size | 3.86MB |
Released | June 7, 2004 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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