All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 is the 2012 sequel to the original Rider Generation for the Nintendo DS, expanding on nearly every aspect of the original – the playable stable of Kamen Riders has grown dramatically, older characters have expanded capabilities and movesets, and the game itself was released for both the DS and Playstation Portable at the same time. Rider Generation 2, like its predecessor, combines 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up action with standard RPG elements, with each Rider having its own EXP count and stat training parameters. While the basic structure of a human-controlled Rider and an AI partner remains, Rider Generation 2 also supports 2-player multiplayer via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection or the PSP’s Ad Hoc wireless. Instead of unlocking additional stages for each world (and an “incomplete” Kamen Rider Fourze), the new, simpler passwords allow players to instantly unlock nearly any Rider in the playable list, negating the wait to mow down tokusatsu villains with fan/personal favorites – whether your favorite is the massively overhauled Fourze, the classic Rider-1, or the poorly-treated-by-America Blac.
All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Bandai Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Action , Adventure |
Downloads | 2,661 |
Size | 477.79 M |
Released | August 2, 2012 |
4.5/5 (4 votes)
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