The narrative takes place in the not-too-distant future in a slum-ridden metropolis, Moebius, where the disparity between the wealthy and the impoverished widens. The protagonist is a “Hunter,” which refers to a person who has made the conscious decision to take action against lawbreakers who have enriched themselves financially due to their involvement in illicit activities. Hunters are employed by an organization known as “Bountia,” which accepts missions to track down and apprehend criminals in exchange for prizes. In Bountia, the protagonist goes by the moniker Armen Noir, while her real name is Naska. The problem is that she cannot kill anyone, even though she is an A-class hunter. She could overcome her foes effectively without having to kill them, which contributed to her ascent to the A rank.
Armen Noir Portable
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Idea Factory |
Developer | Design Factory Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Adventure , Strategy , Visual Novel |
Downloads | 336 |
Size | 1.05 G |
Released | April 12, 2012 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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