The game follows the manga’s story from the beginning of the series until Ichigo’s victory over Ulquiorra Cifer. The story of the game is told through voice acting and text. There is also some cinematics taken directly from the animation. The game is an action-adventure role-playing game in which the player controls various characters. The goal of each mission is to either complete the area or defeat a boss. In a side-scrolling game, the player controls the character. The D-pad controls character movement left and right, while the square button activates a character’s primary attack. Throughout the game, the player will travel through three maps. Karakura Town, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo are the names of these maps. While Karakura Town is the only area available at the start of the game, as the player progresses, more spaces become available. The majority of the missions are completed by controlling Ichigo. However, as time passes, more tasks are unlocked in which the player controls other characters throughout the story; however, these missions are optional, and the story can be completed solely as Ichigo. Several side missions are available in which the player can hope to level up their character by sending them into more dangerous territory, most frequently seen in fight scenes.
Bleach: Soul Carnival 2
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Sega |
Developer | Sony Computer Entertainment |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 2,264 |
Size | 1.11 G |
Released | December 10, 2009 |
2.8/5 (15 votes)
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