The novel’s action takes place in a made-up land known as Arcadia, where people have to deal with a threat posed by life-sucking creatures known as Thanatos. Cleaners are the only ones who possess the ability to eradicate these animals, although there are very few of them in existence. Angelique, who seems to be a typical teenage girl who goes to school, is surprised when she gets a visit from Nyx, a wealthy gentleman who is also a Purifier. Nyx is the founder of a group called the Purifiers, which is formed of Purifiers and is devoted to eradicating Thanatos. Nyx is intrigued by her potential power and extends an invitation to her to join his group; however, she declines the offer since she wishes to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a physician. However, when her school is attacked by Thanatos later on, she ends up activating her powers to safeguard others in jeopardy. After successfully cleansing the beast, she discovers that she possesses a purifying energy that is all her own and that she is the “Queen’s Egg” spoken about in ancient traditions. Her adventure does not start until that point when she becomes the only female Purifier on the globe.
Neo Angelique Special
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Koei |
Developer | Koei |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 293 |
Size | 1.18 G |
Released | September 20, 2008 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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