The famed Silent Hill survival horror series debuted on handheld gaming systems with an all-new journey that reveals a significant number of the series’ most closely guarded mysteries. The player assumes the position of Travis Grady, a solitary truck driver stuck in Silent Hill while making a standard delivery. Players are tasked with escaping the horrifying residents of the city and facing the bizarre hallucinations that have plagued Travis since he was a youngster. A new benchmark for terrifying handheld gaming is established with Silent Hill Origins, which makes full use of the capabilities of the PSP system in terms of its graphics, sound, and portability.
Silent Hill: Origins
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Konami |
Developer | Climax Group |
Genre | Horror |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 19,025 |
Size | 716.94 M |
Released | November 6, 2007 |
4.5/5 (19 votes)
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