After the protagonist encounters three enigmatic shadows during one of the nights of the story, she decides to explore the incident by becoming a member of the newspaper club. She swiftly developed an interest in a student organization called Silver Seek during her research. The student council is on high alert because SS appears to be targeting works of art kept in the school (for some reason, these pieces are displayed throughout the hallways). Although SS is known throughout the school as an intriguing and mysterious entity, the student council is on high alert. The protagonist spends most of the game attempting to discern the identity of the antagonists and the reasons behind their actions.
Suto*Mani: Strobe * Mania
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | D3Publisher |
Developer | D3Publisher |
Genre | Action , Visual Novel |
Downloads | 261 |
Size | 977.68 M |
Released | November 23, 2011 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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