In this installment of the Tales of… series, you take on the role of Veigue, an orphan who grew up in the same village as Claire. Claire is kidnapped one day by a group of soldiers from an unknown organization. Veigue and his friends set out to save Claire, but the plot quickly turns into a conflict between humans and Gajumas, beast-like creatures with their own culture, and Veigue and his friends must restore world peace. The game abandons Tales of Symphonia’s free-roaming combat and returns to the 2D combat style of previous Tales of… fun. During battles, you can move along three horizontal lines and attack enemies in real-time. The AI can control other party members, but you can also give them general commands. Other challenges in the game include cooking healing items for yourself. Tales of Rebirth has real-time 3D backgrounds as well as 2D animé-style characters and enemy sprites.
Tales of Rebirth
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Namco Tales Studio |
Genre | Action , Role-Playing |
Downloads | 1,112 |
Size | 1.3 G |
Released | March 19, 2008 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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