Umineko no Naku Koro ni takes place in 1986, on the remote island of Rokkenjima (), between October 4 and October 5. Kinz Ushiromiya, the leader of a wealthy family who lives on and controls Rokkenjima, is near death. Eleven of his family assemble on the island to negotiate how Kinz’s possessions will be split once he dies. Kinz’s staff and personal physician are also on the island. After the eleven family members arrive, a cyclone seals them on the island, and people disappear inexplicably.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Portable 1
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Alchemist |
Developer | Alchemist |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 420 |
Size | 956.39 M |
Released | October 20, 2011 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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