The game events occur at Seitei Gakuen, a prestigious private school in Tokyo that offers education at all levels, from kindergarten to college. Minami Yuuri is beginning her second year of teaching at this institution, and she is now moving up from teaching grammar to kids in middle school to teaching grammar to students in high school. This was the assignment that she had been hoping for. Unfortunately, she is placed in “Class X,” which is a notorious bunch of seniors. It is rumored that all of their former professors have left the school due to ulcers or neurosis and that she is placed in this group. Minami has a responsibility to make an effort to communicate with these students and encourage them to enroll in college.
Vitamin X: Evolution Plus
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | D3Publisher |
Developer | HuneX Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 247 |
Size | 1.15 G |
Released | September 9, 2010 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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